how to take care of a hamster

How to Take Care of a Hamster : Step by step Guide

Hamsters are tiny, stocky rodents that may make wonderful pets if properly cared for and treated by a veterinarian. The normal hamster’s lifetime is around 1-2 years, although they may live up to 5 years. Hamsters are usually nocturnal creatures that burrow and hoard food. As a result, understanding how to take care of a…

can hamsters eat sweet potatoes

Can Hamster Eat Sweet Potatoes

Sweet potatoes are delicious if you eat them boiled, mashed, or baked. How about sharing them with your pets like hamsters and others pets? This article is about “Can Hamsters Eat Sweet Potatoes?”. Can Hamsters Eat Potatoes Well, yes, hamsters can eat sweet potatoes, and other vegetables in fact, they love eating them. Also, you may…

can hamsters eat blackberries

Can Hamsters Eat Blackberries?

People often wonder Can Hamsters Eat Blackberries? If you’re wondering whether or not blackberries are safe for your hamster to feed, the answer is yes! Adding blackberries to your hamster’s diet is a great idea, but moderation is key due to the high sugar content of most fruits. Dwarf hamsters may safely consume blackberries, as…

Hamster Eye Bulging (Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment)

Hamster Eye Bulging (Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment)

You’ve recently noticed that your hamster’s eyes aren’t perfectly symmetrical. You also notice that one or both of the eyes appear to be bulging out. Hamster eye bulging needs immediate attention. It could be an infection, a wound, or anything else that needs immediate attention. Identifying and addressing the problem’s root causes is essential. What is…

hamster guide for beginners
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How to take care of a Hamster for beginners

Cuddle-worthy and cute, hamsters are also a lot of work. We’ve put together a hamster care guide if you’d like to learn more about caring for hamsters but aren’t quite sure how to get started. I’ll show you the hamster guide for beginners. Your pet’s water should always be fresh and clean. Keeping your hamster…

natural hamster cage

Natural Hamster Cage – How can you make the perfect

Increasing numbers of hamster owners are upgrading their cages to a higher level. Many people do so by creating beautiful natural settings. For those who find natural hamster cages mysterious, we’re here to provide the facts and ideas they need to make sense of it all. The term “German-style hamster cages” refers to natural hamster…