what can hamsters eat

What Can Hamsters Eat? List of Foods

In this article, we’ll discuss what fruits can hamsters eat. To ensure that your hamster lives as long as possible, it is imperative that you provide it with a balanced diet and nourishment. There are commercially available pelleted rodent foods that are suitable for hamsters.

Commercial hamster seed diets are also an alternative for pet owners. It’s essential to keep in mind, however, that this should not be your hamster’s sole source of sustenance since it may create vitamin, mineral, and amino acid deficits.

Foods that the hamsters can eat:


Hamsters can absolutely have cauliflower. While they prefer the florets, if your hamster is looking for something new and different to chew on, the stem of cauliflower is a great option.  Most of the time, raw cauliflower is preferable to dry or steamed cauliflower for hamsters. If you want to feed your hamster cauliflower, you have a few options on which to base your decision.

Make sure to thoroughly wash the cauliflower before serving it to anyone. If you’ve purchased the cauliflower from a reputable source, you may feel more comfortable cooking it a little bit to ensure that any contaminants have been removed.


Adding blackberries to your hamster’s diet is a great idea, but moderation is key due to the high sugar content of most fruits. Dwarf hamsters may safely consume blackberries, as can all other hamster breeds. Sweet and tart, blackberries are an ideal treat for most hamsters.  However, with tiny animals, portion control is essential to avoid obesity and other health issues.

can hamsters eat blackberries

Even though blackberries contain a lot of sugar, acid, and acidity, they’re still good in moderation. Hamsters are known to like a wide variety of fruits, and blackberries are no exception


Carrots can be fed to hamsters, but you’ll need to be careful. They’re healthy, but they’re also rather sugary. If your hamster’s typical diet also includes sugary treats, this might cause stomach troubles and other complications.


Giving broccoli to a hamster is perfectly safe. The correct amount should be fed at a slow and gradual pace.

Even though it’s low in calories, it’s high in protein and fiber, both of which are good for you. It doesn’t really matter if your hamster doesn’t like broccoli if you’re going to eat it more often.


You should encourage your hamsters to eat spinach as often as their digestive systems can handle. If your hamster eats too much, they may suffer from gastrointestinal distress, as with anything good in moderation.

In fact, spinach is an excellent source of nutrition for hamsters. In order to get the best results, you must feed spinach the correct amount and properly prepare it. If you don’t, they may be at risk for health problems.


Plain, sweet almonds are ideal for your hamster’s diet. No matter how the almonds are roasted, they must not be salted or coated in any substance that could potentially be toxic to your hamster (like sugar or salt).

Do not give your hamster bitter almonds at all. In comparison to regular almonds, these have an extremely high cyanide content, and even one could kill your hamster.


If you wash the cabbage properly and give it to your hamster in the proper quantity, it will be safe. You may feed your hamster as much as you like, as long as you don’t go over a specific amount. You can help your hamster live longer by feeding him cabbage. All hamsters, including Syrian, Robo, and dwarf, can eat cabbage


Uncooked chicken is not safe for the hamsters to eat, but plain, cooked chicken is OK for them.

Hamsters may be fed chicken since it is one of the main sources of protein for humans. In addition to being easy to get and cheap, it is also cheaper than other proteins.


Hamsters can have crackers. Humans and hamsters are both omnivores. Vegetables and meat are all acceptable, as are fruits and grains. At snack time, a cracker would be a welcome addition. Wheat, which hamsters can easily digest, is used to make crackers. 

Protein, fiber, and minerals can be found in crackers, which can be a benefit to them. Hamsters should not be fed crackers on a daily basis, but crackers can be given as a treat once or twice a week.


Hamsters can eat pears. Pears that are just ripe and yet a bit crisp are ideal for sharing with your hamster. Pears in this condition are safe to eat, even for dwarf hamsters, but fully ripe ones are so heavy in sugar that they are best enjoyed alone.


. Cilantro is healthy for hamsters to eat in tiny to moderate amounts, like many fresh herbs. A frequent ingredient in many recipes, it is easy to cultivate at home and can be found in many supermarkets. If you live in Asia, you may call it coriander, Chinese parsley, or dhania.

As long as your hamsters are part of the family, you may want to include some cilantro in their food so that they can have a taste of what the rest of the family is eating.

Hamsters can benefit from cilantro, but you must be careful because it is a little acidic. One hamster’s stomach may be upset if cilantro is included in its diet, which is one of the risks of the herb.


You may give your hamster modest amounts of shrimp. Hamsters may enjoy shrimp as a treat from time to time. Just remember that too much seafood (or crustaceans) might make your hamster ill.

I give uncooked shrimps to my hamster. You might also try giving your hamster pre-cooked shrimp instead of raw shrimp since raw shrimp can be harmful to your hamster. 

Precooked shrimp that has been shelled and deveined should be offered to your guests. You can check whether they’ll eat it if you mix it in with their vegetables in their meal dish.

What not to feed your hamsters? 

You should know that certain foods might be harmful to your pet hamster if you give them to it. The nicest thing about chocolate is that it’s delicious. Hamsters are poisoned by theobromine, a chemical found in chocolate. Caffeine in chocolate may cause your hamster to overheat, so avoid giving it any. Caffeine should be avoided in any meal.

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Also avoid foods such as peanuts and beans, as well as oranges and the leaves of tomatoes. These foods are considered to be dangerous. ‘ Do your homework before you introduce a new food to your hamster. If you’ve tried different meals and they did not go down well with your pet’s stomach, keep a running list of those that you attempted and failed to give him in the future.

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions related to what a hamster can eat.

1. Can hamsters eat Apples?

Yes, but only in moderation or as an occasional treat due to their high sugar content. Apple seeds and peels should not be fed to your hamster.

2. What is a hamster’s favorite food?

Apples, pears, strawberries, and bananas are all favorites among hamsters. As a supplement, they should be used in moderation. Remove any veggies or fruits that have not been consumed within 24 hours after purchase.

3. Can hamsters eat cheerios?

Cheerios should only be eaten in moderation as a reward. Because the risk of blood sugar increases from the high sugar content, these products should not be consumed on a daily basis. The odd serving is OK, but don’t make them a regular part of your pet’s diet.

4. Can hamsters have bananas?

Bananas are safe for hamsters to eat in moderation since they are not poisonous to them. However, the most important term here is “moderation.” Hamsters are little rodents that should not be fed large quantities of food. In order to keep your hamster on a healthy diet, you should only give it a modest quantity of decent food.

5. Can hamsters eat pellets?

Corn, nuts, seeds, or colorful “profess” should not be fed to your pet hamster. Obesity and nutritional deficiency may result from them. Hamsters need a diet rich in fiber to keep their digestive tracts moving. It’s Oxbow’s Healthy Handfuls that were most fond of.


To ensure that your hamster lives as long as possible, it is imperative that you provide it with a balanced diet and nourishment. There are commercially available pelleted rodent foods that are suitable for hamsters.

Commercial hamster seed diets are also an alternative for pet owners. It’s important to keep in mind, however, that this should not be your hamster’s sole source of sustenance since it may create vitamin, mineral, and amino acid deficits.

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