Hamster Eye Bulging (Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment)

Hamster Eye Bulging (Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment)

You’ve recently noticed that your hamster’s eyes aren’t perfectly symmetrical. You also notice that one or both of the eyes appear to be bulging out. Hamster eye bulging needs immediate attention. It could be an infection, a wound, or anything else that needs immediate attention. Identifying and addressing the problem’s root causes is essential.

Hamster Eye Bulging (Diagnosis, Symptoms, and Treatment)

What is hamster eye bulging?

Bulging or out-of-place eyes are known as exophthalmia, a medical term. With their small eyes and well-developed orbital sinuses behind their eyes, hamsters are susceptible to eye bulging. Exophthalmia, even though it’s common, is usually a sign of a bigger problem that needs to be fixed right away.

Causes of Hamster’s eye bulging

  • The Sialodacryoadenitis Virus (SDAV) can cause exophthalmos in some hamster species.
  • Another factor that contributes to this condition is the excessive tightening of the skin at the back of the neck. Trauma to the periorbital region can result in the bulging of one or both eyes as a result of the strain.
  • The underlying cause of the infection may be discovered through clinical tests. To begin with, it is important to know the type of infection you have. Medical records are usually requested by veterans.
  • If none of that is the case, the vets may want to know more about the hamster’s surroundings, living conditions, and family members. If trauma is the root cause, it must be discovered and addressed.

Symptoms of hamster’s eye bulging

  • In order to identify and confirm exophthalmos, the bulge is the most important sign.
  • It’s also possible that the hamster’s eyeball will swell slightly as a result of the pain and swelling.
  • It may also show signs of a watery discharge, such as redness around the eyes if it is sick.

Treatment for hamster eye bulging

Exophthalmos and its underlying cause will be diagnosed by a veterinarian before any further treatment can begin. An ophthalmic wash is used to clean and moisturize the eye. It is sterile and has no chemicals in it. Pupils can be dilated with pilocarpine, which also reduces stress.

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The eyeball may be pushed into the socket by the veterinarian by pulling back the eyelids. To prevent a recurrence, additional eyelid suturing may be necessary. Antibiotic treatment via oral and ophthalmic ointment should continue for 10 days if the primary cause is an infection.

 If the problem is due to improper handling or trauma, it is important to learn about proper care routines and follow them. Knowing that your hamster may lose an eye due to this disease can be crucial. To save the eye, immediate attention is essential.

How long does it take for a hamster’s eye to heal?

Most cases will begin to improve on their own after one to two weeks. In some breeds of hamsters, a gene called “ophthalmic,” or “eyeless white,” is passed down. The eyes of these hamsters are completely removed. Other hamsters may go blind as a result of eye diseases or injuries.

In animals with exophthalmos and proptosis in hamsters, an eyeball bulging out of its socket is called exophthalmos or proptosis, and it is quite common. Hamsters can get conjunctivitis infections or traumatic injuries to their eyes if they are restrained too tightly at the back of their necks.

Veterinary attention should be sought as soon as possible in the case of exophthalmos. To be honest, the sooner the hamster has a chance of saving its eye, the better. If the condition worsens, the only option is to remove the eye surgically. If your hamster has exophthalmos, you’ll see a lot of pain in one or both of its eyes.

Is it normal for a hamster to lose its eye?

If you keep the hamster’s environment the same, it can lead to a normal life. Always place the food and water bowls in the same spot so your hamster knows where to find them. A hamster’s eye can be lost at any time.

How do veterinarians diagnose exophthalmos in hamsters?

Make an appointment with a veterinarian immediately if you notice any of the following symptoms: How active has your hamster been recent? What kind of bedding do you use in their cage? These are all things that your veterinarian is likely to inquire about when you bring your pet in for an exam.

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To check for corneal injury or ulcers, your veterinarian will stain the eye’s surface and examine it under a microscope. Depending on the size of your hamster, eye pressure and the backside of the eye may be examined.

In the event that dental disease is suspected, a sedation-assisted oral or dental examination may be performed. If an abscess or dental disease is found below the gum line, CT scans or X-rays may also be recommended to look for the disease.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can a hamster’s eye pop?

Exophthalmos is a disease that causes hamsters to have their eyes permanently popped out. The shallowness of the eye sockets could be the cause of the former. Although the hamster’s eyes appear to be protruding, this is how they always appear. Infection or trauma can cause eye-bulging in exophthalmos or hamsters.

2. Why has my hamster’s eye turned red?

An eye infection or trauma can cause a hamster’s eyes to turn red. An eye infection is usually indicated by redness around the eyelids and watery eyes. Both this and your pet hamster may have injured themselves by slamming into something. The redness in the eye should be treated as soon as possible in both cases.

3. Why does my hamster have one eye bulging out?

In animals with exophthalmos and proptosis in hamsters, an eyeball bulging out of its socket is called exophthalmos or proptosis, and it is quite common. Hamsters can get conjunctivitis infections or traumatic injuries to their eyes if they are restrained too tightly at the back of their necks.


There are numerous reasons why your hamster’s eye might be bulging, including trauma, disease, infection, and a host of others. Seeing your primary veterinarian as soon as possible is critical.

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