natural hamster cage

Natural Hamster Cage – How can you make the perfect

Increasing numbers of hamster owners are upgrading their cages to a higher level. Many people do so by creating beautiful natural settings. For those who find natural hamster cages mysterious, we’re here to provide the facts and ideas they need to make sense of it all.

The term “German-style hamster cages” refers to natural hamster cages. These housing options are more accurate in terms of a hamster’s surroundings. Hamsters are said to be happier and healthier if their bedding, toys, and everything else are made of natural materials.

Why Choose a Natural Hamster Cage Design?

Wild hamsters are found in dry, warm environments. Because they live in deserts and steppes, these burrowing, night-time creatures have to adapt to environments that are very different from ours.

Where do hamsters spend most of their time, and why? Isn’t plastic a large part of it? Plastic is used in many different things, like toys, tunnels, plates, bottles, sand baths, and hamster houses.

In addition to their height, hamster cages have a tendency to be narrower than they are tall. Because of this, many people who own hamsters build extra levels in their cages to make more space for their pets.

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Natural hamster cages are sometimes referred to as “German hamster cages” because of the unique way in which Germans handle their hamsters.

Materials Used in Natural Hamster Cages

Naturally, the goal is to replace as many artificial components as possible with natural ones. A vast variety of materials are available for usage in various ways.

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Make sure each item you introduce is safe for hamsters, however. Hamster-friendly materials are commonly used in the construction of natural hamster cages.

  • Aspen shavings
  • Rocks
  • Grass
  • Willow
  • Hay
  • Cork
  • Soil
  • Sand
  • Driftwood
  • Plants

Despite the fact that this list is merely a rudimentary guide to the most popular materials, it serves as a good starting point. What matters is that the material is completely natural and safe for hamsters to consume.

What Kind of Cage Should I Use for a Hamster?

Natural products for your hamster’s cage can be expensive and time-consuming, so ensure you have the right cage type first.

Traditional cages with bars are usually out of the question for natural-themed hamster housing. Their appearance is unattractive, they’re constructed of metal or plastic, and they allow for more mess outside the cage.

Also read: How to hold a hamster – Learn how to hold a hamster perfectly?

Choose a glass substitute instead. There is already a lot of interest in glass tanks, like those used for reptiles or fish. If you’ve ever wanted to check in on your hamster without disturbing them, this is the best way to do it!

Items to Add to Your Hamster Cage

I’d want to go into greater detail on a few subjects:

Chew Toys

Because chewing helps keep hamster teeth clean and alleviates boredom, it is crucial for many pets. The natural look of your hamster’s cage can be even better if you give him natural chewing sticks.

Your hamster will enjoy three flavors in this Flourishing variety pack, which does not include artificial preservatives or flavor additions.


Substrate and bedding options can be a bit of a mystery. Various materials can create a realistic and burrowing-friendly habitat in a cage, either in distinct sections or on top of one another. Natural hamster cages often use soil, but getting a hamster-friendly variety is crucial. There are minerals in some soils that could be harmful to your hamstring.

When it comes to potting soil, only use organic products. Aspen shavings can be sprinkled on top to encourage burrowing. Sand is also a popular choice for flooring material. If you buy sand that isn’t too dusty, your hamsters may suffer from respiratory problems.


Your curiosity about the plants in natural hamster homes has likely grown. Natural hamster cages frequently have cat grass and dry willow added for aesthetic purposes. Potentially cultivating live plants in a hamster’s cage is a bad idea. To be effective, you’ll need a lot of extra room, which you may utilize for your hammy. It is common practice to simulate the natural habitat of a hamster by using grasses and hay.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQS)

Following are some frequently asked questions related to natural hamster cages.

1. What is the best material for a hamster cage?

In order to keep hamsters happy, they need cages with deep plastic bases and wire tops that they can explore. You can provide them with locations to dig, and they’ll also enjoy climbing the bars of their cage. If in doubt, go with a cage twice as large as your hamster’s standard size.

2. Can you make your own hamster cage?

Cages from pet stores might be expensive, but a plastic container, some supplies, and a few simple tools are all you need to construct your own. Utilize a 15-to 20-gallon plastic trash can with a tight-fitting cover. In order to keep the cage adequately ventilated, cut a huge square off the cover.

3. Can you put plants in a hamster cage?

Whatever plant you put in the cage for your hamster will be eaten by him. Even a small amount of toxicity in the plant could lead to major health issues. If your hamster eats too much of a harmless plant, it may cause an upset stomach.


Keeping them in an all-natural hamster cage can help your hamster stay in touch with their natural impulses. Your hamster would have access to a large, natural, healthy environment in the wild.

There are no restrictions on how big or small your cage can be or how complicated or simple your design can be. Try to use only natural materials if you can, and keep an eye on your hamster for the first few days in its new home.

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