can hamsters eat blueberries

Can Hamsters Eat Blueberries

Hamsters are a popular option for small pets, particularly for individuals who live in small homes or apartments. Although, my hamsters have large appetites and like feeding. They are relatively easy to care for and are considered low-maintenance pets. 

While they enjoy eating fruit, it is critical to learn what is safe and what is not before feeding it to your hamster.  Can hamsters eat blueberries? Fortunately, blueberries are a safe and healthy fruit to feed your hamster. 

Portion control is crucial because fruit is generally high in sugar, but blueberries may be a tasty addition to your hamster’s diet. If you’re thinking of adding blueberries to your hamster’s meals or as a snack, keep reading my article to find out how safe they are, what they’re good for, and how to prepare them. 

Can you feed blueberries to hamsters?

Yes, you can feed blueberries to your hamsters as a treat, but there are a few things to keep in mind first. Plants with blue or purple berries are known as blueberries. This fruit, which is native to North America, is perfectly safe for hamsters to eat.

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Just like with any wonderful item, moderation is the key here. If you feed a lot of blueberries, the natural sugars they contain may be too much for your hamstrings.

Can hamsters eat blueberry leaves?

Yes, you can feed blueberry leaves to your hamster, but in moderation. I am sure that your hamsters will probably reject the flavor and spit it out because mine do the same.

How to feed blueberries to hamsters?

If you feed blueberries to hamsters, make sure to divide the teaspoon in half for a dwarf variety, and only offer your smaller hamster 1/2 teaspoon worth of blueberries every week. Do not leave fruits and veggies out for your pet if they have not been eaten within 12–24 hours.

Can baby hamsters eat blueberries?

Yes, my baby hamster eats blueberries. Even hamsters may get some of the fruit’s health advantages, according to research. However, due to the high sugar content of blueberries, portion management is essential.

Advantages of blueberries for hamsters

Blueberries, which are low in both calories and sugar, are an excellent complement to any diet. Among the many vitamins and minerals, they contain dietary fiber, antioxidants, and protein.

Humans and hamsters alike can benefit from eating blueberries. Blueberries can help control your rodent’s bowel motions and even fight off oxidation, which may lead to cancer if provided in moderation to your rodent. Blueberries are also good for your pet’s weight loss, immune system, and cholesterol levels.

Disadvantages of blueberries for hamsters

Blueberries have been previously shown to be beneficial to your hamster’s health in several ways. Plus, they’re delectable, so you could find yourself giving your hamster an extra helping every time you get a hold of one for yourself.

However, you must resist the urge. Your hamster, on the other hand, isn’t going to be able to eat more than a handful of blueberries.

Blueberries contain sugar

Although blueberries are not native to the wild, they are an essential element of any hamster’s diet. A small amount of this food can be found in nature, but it is only available for a limited time each year.

It’s true that blueberries are loaded with nutrients that will help your hamster. Large quantities of sugar, regardless of the type, simply cannot be digested by a hamster’s digestive tract.

For every 100 blueberries, there are roughly 10 grams of sugar. When compared to other fruits, this one doesn’t have the highest sugar content, but it’s still high enough to cause stomach issues if your hamster consumes too much of it.

Too many blueberries in your hamster’s diet might lead to decayed teeth. Not only that, but a hamster’s intestinal flora and germs will be agitated if it consumes too much sugar. For your pet, bloating, indigestion and even diarrhea are possible side effects.

Be Careful with Pesticides

Blueberries growing naturally in the woods, free of human contamination, are available to a select few of us. For this reason, it is likely that most of the blueberries sold at fruit stands have been treated with pesticides and fertilizers.

There is no evidence that blueberries are harmful to hamsters, but any traces of chemicals on them can pose a much more serious threat to their health. Poisoning by pesticides is possible and, in some circumstances, deadly.

Also read: Can Hamsters Eat Strawberries?

In order to avoid poisoning your hamster (and yourself), properly wash the blueberries. Buying organic food is a fantastic way to avoid this issue. A more costly option is assured to be chemical-free.

Frequently asked questions

Do Hamsters like Blueberries?

Yes, blueberries are delicious to hamsters. There may be a few hamsters who dislike blueberries, but it’s safe to bet that your tiny companion will devour every luscious bite of berry you give them. 

How Often Can a Hamster Eat Blueberries?

You can give your hamster blueberries up to twice a week, but remember that offering a lot of sweets at once is never a smart idea. Changing things up keeps your little furball’s life exciting, and it’s also a wonderful way to provide them with well-rounded nourishment. Don’t worry—your hamster can try a variety of other tasty treats. 

Can blueberries make my hamster sick?

Unfortunately, if your hamster eats too many blueberries or if it is not given gradually as indicated, it might cause diarrhea. Everything should go smoothly if you’re mindful about how you provide your hamster with food. 


Because hamsters enjoy eating and snacking throughout the day, it is critical to supply them with a complete and balanced diet. Fruit, including blueberries, should be a part of their diet. Not only are they nutritious, but most hamsters appreciate their sweet, tangy flavor. 

Begin with little pieces over the course of the week, no more than a half teaspoon per serving. As long as your hamster enjoys them and shows no signs of a reaction, blackberries can be a good source of vitamins and a tasty treat every now and then.

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