hamster guide for beginners
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How to take care of a Hamster for beginners

Cuddle-worthy and cute, hamsters are also a lot of work. We’ve put together a hamster care guide if you’d like to learn more about caring for hamsters but aren’t quite sure how to get started. I’ll show you the hamster guide for beginners. Your pet’s water should always be fresh and clean. Keeping your hamster well-hydrated is one of the most critical things you can do to keep it happy and healthy.

Hamsters Guide For Beginners

Get a quality cage

A good hamster cage is one of the most crucial items to care for your pet. Ensure the hamster cage you buy is safe and secure when taking care of them. Keep your hamster happy by providing a well-ventilated cage that allows it to run about freely.

People also read: Hamsters Checklist – Owner must follow in 2022

Give your hamster pet a home

To make the cage feel like a home, you’ll need to decorate it. To begin, make sure the cage is in a well-ventilated area away from strong sunlight. Hamsters enjoy digging and tunneling, and aspen bedding is a fantastic option for this. Lay down at least six inches of bedding. Finally, place a feeding dish and a water bottle on the cage’s side, both conveniently accessible to the birds.

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Keep it clean

Keeping a hamster’s cage clean is an important component of learning how to care for one. Every few weeks, wash it down with a good dishwashing solvent like Sunlight. A medium-sized spray bottle filled with water and two tablespoons of dish soap should be used to clean the cage after it has been emptied. Scrub the cage with the solution and a washcloth after it has been sprayed on. Finish by rinsing with fresh water, drying well, and adding fresh bedding. If you prefer a natural alternative (diluted with water), white vinegar can be used in the same way.

Also read: How to clean your hamster cage – Owner’s Guide

What to feed hamsters

It’s a big responsibility to keep a hamster as a pet. In addition to ensuring their safety, you must also ensure their well-being by providing them with the proper nutrition. A hamster’s diet is critical to their health and well-being, and it is easy to give them too much or the wrong kind of food when you are just starting out.

  • Pellet foods are the best.
  • To avoid overfeeding, fill their bowl about three-quarters of the way.
  • As a reward for good behavior, you can feed your pet some dark leafy greens every other day and some fruit like bananas or apples once a week as a reward.

Hamster pet grooming and play

The practical aspects of hamster care have been the focus of our advice thus far. Learning to keep them interested and looking their best is now the fun part. A hamster wheel can be attached to the side of the cage to provide your pet with a constant cardio workout.

Related: Hamsters Cage Ideas 2022 – Best Choice

Make sure they’re safe by taking them out of their cage in an exercise ball while you’re doing the cleaning. If your hamster is in good health, you shouldn’t have to worry about this step. Consult your veterinarian if you’re concerned that your hamster isn’t cleaning himself.

Keeping your hamster healthy

Your pet’s health will improve if you feed and care for them. However, just as with any other pet, you may need to visit the veterinarian at some point. All the information you need to keep your hamster happy is now at your fingertips. Have a great day taking care of your pet!

  • The best way to keep them safe is to invest in a high-quality, lockable cage.
  • Make sure the cage is well-bedded and change the bedding frequently.
  • Allow your pet to run around on a hamster wheel.
  • Select a nutritious meal, but don’t overfeed your new companion.
  • Keep them hydrated at all times. Keep it fresh by changing it every few days.
  • Every few weeks, thoroughly clean the cage, water bottle, food bowl, and playthings.
  • If your hamster is displaying indications of illness, take it to the vet.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How do I set up my hamster’s home?

It’s important to ensure that your new hamster’s first day at home is as stress-free as possible. A water bottle and food bowl (heavy enough to avoid tipping over) should also be ready for the new arrival. Treats and toys (such as a wheel or tunnel for exercise and chew toys) will go a long way toward making the environment a joyful one for the hamsters.

2. What do hamsters eat?

Your hamster will benefit from you giving him pellets. Because of this, they are unable to savor the most flavorful offerings. Every day, make sure your hamster has a full bowl of food. Every other day, you can give your hamster some veggies to eat as part of their diet. The cuisine includes kale, collard greens, zucchini, and shredded carrots. Give hamsters only what they can eat in around four hours’ time.

3. How can I play with and groom my hamster?

Make sure your hamster has access to an exercise wheel or ball. When your hamster is exercising in a hamster ball, always keep an eye on him. As part of their daily routine, hamsters wash their faces and wipe out their ears using their feet. There’s no need to assist them; they’ve got this.

4. How can I keep my hamster healthy?

Within a few days of bringing your hamster home, get her examined by a veterinarian who is familiar with treating small animals. If your hamster shows any of the following symptoms, take it to the vet for a check-up:

  • Wheezing
  • Runny nose
  • Irregular eating or drinking
  • Overgrown front teeth
  • Bald patches
  • Sores on the feet
  • Loose stools
  • Blood in the urine


Childhood pets are a priceless gift that many will cherish for years to come. Hamsters are a popular first pet for many people, and I’m no exception. Many people believe that hamsters are excellent “beginning pets,” but this is not the case. Even so, there’s still a lot to learn about hamster care. Everyone’s pet dog or cat has a story to tell, regardless of size. Above is a list of things you should know about owning and caring for a hamster if you plan on getting one or already have one.

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