What Can Hamsters Eat Besides Hamster Food

What Can Hamsters Eat Besides Hamster Food

Hamsters are omnivores. They become omnivores by eating insects, believe it or not. Hamsters don’t mind seed-packed hamster meals with maize pieces and some dry bits for protein. They also like greens!

You may find various lists of safe vegetables and fruits for your hammy, but I would avoid lettuce since it can hurt your hammy to the point of death if fed more than a few very small pieces each week.

Remember that treats should never account for more than 10% of your pet’s total diet, and that dramatic changes to your hamster’s diet should be avoided as they may stress your hamster and cause wet tails. Change their primary diet gradually if you wish to.

You may be surprised to hear that your hamster does not overeat, so make sure her food dish is always filled. A well-balanced hamster diet comprises high-quality hamster chow that has been expertly prepared to provide the appropriate quantity of vitamins and minerals each day, as well as all of the other essential nutrients that a hamster needs.

Foods that the hamsters can:


Cucumbers are high-fiber and nutrient-dense vegetables. Cucumbers are an excellent supplement to the diet of any hamster. The majority of cucumber contains water, which may help your hamster stay hydrated and healthy throughout its life. Cucumbers also have high fiber content, which can help keep your hamster’s digestive system healthy. Cucumbers include essential elements that promote a healthy immune system in hamsters, just as they do in people.


While all hamsters are capable of eating carrots, it is preferable to serve them as occasional treats rather than give them one every day. Because they are root vegetables, hamsters will happily eat carrots even if they find them in the wild.

Carrots are not only delicious to hamsters, but they also provide several health advantages; they are considered superfoods and are high in antioxidants, both of which can extend a hamster’s life expectancy.

Hamsters’ digestive processes and development can be benefited by vitamins and nutritional fibers found in carrots. As a result of the carrot’s high concentration of Vitamin K1, hamsters can benefit from it as well.


Hamsters can have asparagus. One of the healthiest fresh vegetables you can feed your hamster is fresh asparagus. It’s a low-calorie, high-fiber veggie that’s perfect for hamsters.

It also contains numerous vitamins and minerals that are important for your hamster’s health, such as vitamin C, iron, magnesium, and zinc. Asparagus also contains antioxidants, which aid in the body’s oxidation of free radicals. 

Free radicals are chemicals in the body that can cause cell damage and destruction. The main thing to remember is that asparagus can deliver antioxidants to your hamster’s body, reducing stress and enhancing immunity.


Hamsters can eat hay, but they do not need it in the same way as guinea pigs do. Instead, kids will only consume it if it goes well with their normal meals. Hay has some nutritional benefits for hamsters, but it doesn’t do a lot to change their food balance.

Some hamsters prefer to chew on hay rather than consume it. Because they will not be able to swallow, the fibrous materials will aid in the filing down of their teeth. They’ll make something similar with wood in their cage, which works better in any case. Some hamsters just dislike the taste of hay. If that’s the case, they won’t give it a second glance after the first time they try it.

Most hay kinds may be eaten by hamsters, but it is usually preferable to stick to the more popular variety. Timothy hay, clover, alfalfa, and orchard grasses are suitable for them to consume. Alfalfa and Timothy hay are the finest for hamsters, owing to the fact that more hamsters love their flavor.

Broccoli and Cauliflower

Broccoli is safe for hamsters to eat. It can be a delicious treat for them as long as it is given to them in the correct quantities. It has a plethora of health benefits, but moderation is key. This vegetable is sure to be a hit with your pet, and it will add some variety to their diet. But you must ensure that your hamster gets the proper amount of broccoli.

Hamsters can also have cauliflower. While they prefer the florets, if your hamster is looking for something new and different to chew on, the stem of cauliflower is a great option. Most of the time, raw cauliflower is preferable to dry or steamed cauliflower for hamsters. If you want to feed your hamster cauliflower, you have a few options on which to base your decision.


Hamsters may eat raw, cooked, or dried corn kernels. Because of the high salt level, they should not be given canned or creamed corn. This also applies to baby corn, which is often marketed canned or pickled and may be difficult to locate fresh. Thawed frozen corn is not advised since it often contains added salt and preservatives.


Kale is okay for certain hamster species, but they should only consume a small amount of it at a time. Do not give them the stem or the wet core part, just the soft outside leaves. The low-calorie content of kale makes it an excellent choice for hamsters as a snack. In total, 5 g of dietary fiber, 47 g of fat, and 2 g of protein may all be found in just one cup.

What not to feed your hamsters? 

The vegetables that your hamster should not eat are equally as important as those that he should. Hamsters, for example, should not be given raw potatoes or eggplant. Begin with a tiny dose and wait 24 hours to ensure he does not develop diarrhea. Some hamsters may be allergic to or have stomach issues after eating specific vegetables, despite the fact that such vegetables are generally beneficial to most hamsters.

You should be aware that some foods may be detrimental to your pet hamster if fed to it. The best aspect of chocolate is that it is tasty. Theobromine, a substance present in chocolate, poisons hamsters. Chocolate contains caffeine, which may cause your hamster to overheat, so avoid feeding it any. Caffeine should be avoided at all times of the day.

Avoid foods like peanuts and beans, as well as oranges and tomato leaves. These foods are regarded as hazardous. Do your research before you give a new meal to your hamster. If you’ve tried various foods and they didn’t agree with your pet’s stomach, keep a running record of those you tried and failed to feed him in the future. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Following are some frequently asked questions related to what can hamster eat besides hamster food.

1. Can hamsters bread?

The simple answer is yes. Bread is typically safe for your hamster, but some types of bread should be avoided. There are a few things to consider before introducing bread into your hamster’s diet.

2. Can hamsters eat cheerios?

Cheerios should only be eaten in moderation as a reward. Because the risk of blood sugar increases from the high sugar content, these products should not be consumed on a daily basis. The odd serving is OK, but don’t make them a regular part of your pet’s diet.

3. What human treats can hamsters eat?

Romaine lettuce, dandelion greens, carrot tops, broccoli spears, spinach, artichokes, and other dark green vegetables are all excellent alternatives. Iceberg lettuce and other foods with a lot of water, like watermelon, should be avoided because they might make you nauseous.

4. Can hamsters eat rice?

Rice is thought to be safe for hamsters. You can feed white, brown, or wholegrain rice, and it may be given raw or cooked. However, you should only feed a small quantity and make sure it isn’t too sticky after cooking.

5. Can hamsters have peanut butter?

Hamsters also enjoy peanut butter, but it must be served with caution (as with any other sticky food) since it may become trapped in their cheek pouches and cause serious issues. As an occasional treat, a very thin coating on a piece of wood is OK, but peanut butter should be administered with care.


Omnivores are hamsters. You may give them nuts, fruit, and veggies, but maintain the hamster chow as the foundation and experiment with other things as rewards.  If you wish to pick some dandelion greens from your yard (make sure no pesticide was used on your grass), the hamster will undoubtedly enjoy the treat. Experiment to discover what they prefer and be careful not to overfeed.  They consume their feces, which is natural for them and helps them maintain a healthy gut microbiota.

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